Dance and movement therapy

“Thank you for the opportunity to use the balance board in dance and movement therapy in Children’s Clinical University Hospital, Department of Oncology and Children’s Hospital Foundation’s Parents’ House. Children enjoy activities. The use depends on the age of the child. With young children, I use it as a step (a bridge over which one can walk or roll the ball), or it can be turned over and lying on and swinging. I put a pillow and a blanket inside, and then the child has a chance to relax and calm down. With school-age children and teenagers, I use it as a rocking surface. The balance board is a good balance exercise that allows the child to experience their ability to maintain balance, balance and control this process by consciously feeling their weight. Here you can also add creative expression and offer the child to help, with the upper body following the music. You can also involve the child in joint play and, by balancing on the board, throw and catch the ball.”

